REACH 360 provides testing services and consulting services regarding SVHCs (substances of very high concern)

ECHA (European Chemical Agency) identifies the particularly dangerous substances that are placed on a list of substances (Candidate List)

When a substance is added to the Candidate List, REACH obliges the manufacturer or importer to declare if it is present in the product.

Article 33 (1) of REACH states that the manufacturer and the importer of articles must notify to his customer to the presence of any SVHC if this is in their article in quantities> 0.1% w / w to provide information to the safe use of the product.

REACH360 SVHC services


  • determination and evaluation of products that contain SVHC in quantities greater than 0.1%
  • communication within 45 days along the supply chain
  • testing strategy
  • verification through evaluation and testing of any restrictions applied to product
  • management of extra EU suppliers

Click for more info on SVHC testing